Posts Tagged ‘Janis

“Exciting news is coming your way! LBB’s goal is not only offering beautiful gifts and an elite business opportunity, but also being a company that makes a huge difference in people’s lives.  We are proud to announce that we are working hard to add residual income to our referral program that could potentially EXPLODE your business to an incredible level, and assist even more people than we ever could before.

Now, more than ever, financial independence can be achieved for all of you who are willing to put forth the effort. With the onset of this new program, you can realistically expect to exceed your previous goals. As with all our programs, this is designed to handsomely reward those who are willing to put forth the effort.

Currently, La Bella Baskets is setup this way: When a person you enroll has stayed past the 7 day trial and their full subscription of $19.95 a month begins, you (as the enroller) receive a one time referral bonus of $15. Here is how the NEW residual income will affect the referral program:
You will no longer be rewarded only once when you enroll someone. You will continue to be rewarded month after month.

Yes, you read that right!

You will all receive a certain % each month for each active consultant you have on your team.

The Power of Residual Income!

We are so excited about this added compensation plan to our referral program and rewarding you for working so hard with your team and working together to build a lucrative business for yourselves.

In the meantime LBB Consultants, keep building your businesses to position yourself to take full advantage of the new referral program. *Note: To all consultants with a team, the new compensation plan will rollover to every consultant that is active in your one level (the only level you have) For example, if you have 10 active consultants on your team right now, when the new system sets in, you will be receiving residual income on each person month after month after month.

So everyone work, build and you will achieve greatness!”

Mia and Janis
LBB Co-Founders

A personal message from Co-Founder Janis:

“It’s hard.”

“I can’t get any people to visit my site”

“I can’t people to join my business.”

“This just isn’t for me.”

“I don’t have the time.”

“I didn’t  know how difficult it would be.”

Well, I am a single Mom of three who, before starting my own homebased business, held down two jobs. I would get up at 4:00 in the morning and not get to bed until midnight most nights, after returning from my part-time retail job, packing lunches, checking homework and relieving my mother, who helped out with the kids.

That, my friends, is difficult.

It is difficult always having to lower your dreams to meet your means. It is difficult to miss your son’s football game because you have to work. It is difficult knowing the rust bucket you call a car is eating you alive in maintenance, but you can’t afford a new one. It is difficult to realize that someone else is going to watch your daughter take her first step or have your son say mama to the preschool teacher.

It is difficult knowing that you have spent 40 years of your life working for someone else, only to realize that you will be retiring on one-third of what you can live on today. Or, worse yet, it is difficult knowing that you have diligently worked all your life, only to be given an early retirement and replaced by someone younger, more capable.

I will tell you what’s difficult–waking up in the morning and realizing that your children, the most precious things imaginable, no longer need bottles, diapers, have tea parties, or are shorter than the baseball bat they are trying to swing. It is difficult realizing it is too late and that the time frittered away can never be retrieved. It slips through our fingers one second at a time.

It is also difficult watching the spark in your partner’s eyes fade because both of you realize the house you have been wanting is just a dream because someone else is controlling your finances.

We have nasty habits about rationalizing, procrastination and skirting important things, rather than facing the issues. Too often we allow others who do not pay our bills, who do not share our dreams, to direct our futures.

As children we have absolutely no freedom; we rebel in our teens and scream for freedom. We reach adulthood and are finally free, only to relinquish that freedom because we think it is too difficult. We do not want to take responsibility. We do not want to make a wrong decision, so we obligingly give that awesome power to someone else. We wake up too late. We hear ourselves uttering phrases like: “I wish I had only . . .” and “If I could do it over again.”

You have no one but yourself to blame. You had the chance. Perhaps the opportunity was presented many times and each time you elevated the trivial to a higher priority than yourself.

Let me ask you: Is building our business really difficult?

Is it so traumatic to show someone an exciting product or idea? Is it so difficult to understand that if you work your business consistenly, you just might finally be able to send your children to a college chosen by excellence, rather than one chosen by price?

Would you work really hard for eight to ten years, so you could mold a lifestyle of your choosing, so your family could live a lifestyle of their dreams, rather than trying to live how someone else thinks you should live?

How difficult is it to pick up the phone and call your prospect? How difficult is it to place ads? How difficult is it, really, to share what you love with others? Think about it.

Realize the awesome power you have in your hands by owning your own business. There are people out there working three jobs. There are people drowning in debt; or agonizing through bankruptcy, realizing they only needed a couple hundred more dollars per month. That is difficult!

This business you have chosen has the ability to change lives. Your business cannot do anything. But YOU can change lives with it. You are the one with the life-changing ability. What are you waiting for?

There is difficulty and pain in success, and there is difficulty and pain in failure. Difficulty and pain in success will last a short period of time; but pain in failure lasts a lifetime. Which one is really more difficult?

You will pay a price for your actions, and your choices.

Which choice will you make?

Preach Janis! Preach!

I just received an e-mail from the founders of La Bella Baskets! How often can you say the founders/owners of the company your with (direct sales or not) personally sends you an e-mail? I love it, here’s what they said:

Hello TaVona,

Mia and I would like to take a moment and applaud you for taking control of your future and taking control of your  income source.  We are  100% positive that now, more than ever people need to start looking at the importance of starting their own business.

As you know, we are living in troubled times.  The last few years have brought us a steady parade of fear and panic in the headlines, boardrooms and kitchen tables all across America.  Downsizing, foreclosures, wall street fiascoes, recession – it  seems that every time we logon to the internet or turn on the T.V., we  see one bad news story after another.

During the first few months of 2009, U.S. company layoffs reached a quarter million per month. From executives and middle managers to administration employees and blue-collar workers, from bankers to retail clerks, all are at risk. Of course, all of you already know all of this.  But here’s what you may not know:  None of this is really news! Sure, it took a major economic crisis for people to start waking up to the fact that their livelihoods were at risk.  But your income didn’t become a risk overnight – it was already at risk.

Most of the U.S. population has been living for years relying on the next paycheck or two to meet each month’s expenses, typically with only a very thin cushion of cash savings – or more often, no cushion at all.  That paycheck is a called “trading your time for money,” and during a recession, it is the last reliable source of income there is. Why?  Because when the number of employed people starts dropping, there is less disposable income in circulation to pay for your time.

Mia and I have been entrepreneurs for over 15 years and we have always encouraged people (even if they had a job) to always be building a business on the side that belongs to them and their family.  A business that nobody can take it away from them or downsize them.

We also know that there is no such thing as a safe and secure job.  Corporate America is trembling on the edge of extinction, and the only way for you to have a genuinely secure future is for you to take control of that future.

We are not saying employment is a bad thing.  We are just saying it’s only one way of generating income, and one that is extremely limited.  What we are  glad  that many people are waking up to this fact.  They are realizing that the only way they’re going to have what they really want in life is by setting foot on the path of the entrepreneur.

Over the years, Mia and I  have spoken to thousands of people about the importance of starting their own business and often we would hear things like  (I don’t have the money, the time or expertise to start a business).  Honestly, that always bothered us.  We wanted  to give everyone (no matter who they are or where they came from) an opportunity to build their own business.  So, we listened to their obstacles and after a lot of hard work, La Bella Baskets was born.  We created this company to give everyone an opportunity to start their own business without large investments and headaches.  We know that success will not happen overnight but we do know that this business works.  All you have to do is be persistent and stick with it no matter what.

We understand that life it tough and we applaud you for not sitting there and moaning and groaning and blaming wall street, the big bankers, corporate America or the government.  We applaud you for wanting to build a solid future and build your own business.  We know  that the people who take care of their future (instead of wishing and hoping that the economy turns around)  are taking control of their income source.

So thank you for having the courage to build your dream and income.  Thank you for not neglecting to take care of your future so you won’t end up struggling or broke. Thank you for not making excuses. The fact is that the economy is not the issue…it’s always us that is the issue.  We are the ones that determine our future.  So please, stay plugged into the training calls. The people that are staying plugged into the training calls are the ones that are building a great business.

Mia  and I are committed to working hard and taking you and this company to new levels.  We are so glad that you found us and honored that you are on this amazing journey with us.

As many of you that have been with us since day Day 1, you know how much the company is growing.  We want to thank all of you for being patient while we are going thru  growing pains.  We promise it will be worth it and we  promise  that you won’t recognize La Bella Baskets in a year from now. We do see so much greatness in the company and we are excited to have  people like you on our mission to give people the great gift (the gift of opportunity and the gift of creating smiles & lasting memories).

If your still wondering if you got what it takes to succeed, please remove all those fears and doubts from your mind.  Fear is the #1 killer and it’s very sad to see people talk themselves out from building their dream.  You see, Mia and I  know that you got what it takes to make it in this business.  The reason why we know  is because you are reading this email! Now all you have to do is walk into your own power. Everything is here for you.  You CAN take charge of your future and create and amazing lifestyle.

We love you and we believe in you.  Have an amazing week and we will see you on the training calls.

To your success,

Janis & Mia

I’m a Christian Work at Home Mom!

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Why So Many People Are Joining?

We offer bi-monthy pay. We fulfill your orders. We create the gift baskets. We create a beautiful website for you. We help you market your gifting business. We carry all the inventory. We ship to your gift recipients. We operate online, so you can, too. We continuously add new gift baskets to your store. We partner with you to make it simple to succeed. We don't require you to buy products. We do not have quotas. We do not ask you to collect money from your customers

Learn More About La Bella Baskets!

La Bella Baskets has weekly national Team Training calls that include product information, tips to succeed, interviews with La Bella Baskets consultants, sponsoring support, and much more. See you on the call!

Hosted by: Mia Florides, La Bella Baskets Co-Founder

Date: Every Tuesday night

Time: 6pm pacific time
7pm mountain time
8pm central time
9pm eastern time

Conference Dial-In: 1-218-862-1300

Conference Code: 863799

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